In our ever-evolving world, staying informed about policy developments is crucial, especially when it comes to matters that impact our daily lives. Today, we are excited to announce a significant expansion of our services at

We have added three prominent European Union agencies—EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), ECA (European Chemicals Agency), and EEA (European Environment Agency)—to our platform (try it out for free).

In this blog post, we will introduce you to these agencies, shed light on their vital roles, and explain why they deserve the close attention of public affairs professionals.

Three new executive agencies added to your daily policy monitoring

1. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

EFSA is the guardian of food safety in the European Union. Established in 2002, this agency plays a pivotal role in assessing and communicating risks associated with the food chain, including issues related to food safety, animal health, and plant protection. Therefore, monitoring EFSA is crucial because the decisions it makes directly impact the food we consume. Public affairs professionals must stay informed about EFSA’s activities to ensure that food standards and safety regulations align with the best interests of both consumers and the food industry.

2. European Chemicals Agency (ECHA):

The European Chemicals Agency (ECA) is responsible for managing the registration, evaluation, authorization, and restriction of chemicals within the European Union. ECA plays a critical role in ensuring the safety of chemicals used in various industries, from manufacturing to healthcare. Hence, monitoring ECA is essential for public affairs professionals because it directly affects compliance, safety, and innovation in chemical-related sectors.

3. European Environment Agency (EEA):

With environmental concerns at the forefront of global agendas, the European Environment Agency (EEA) plays a crucial role in providing reliable information on the state of the environment in Europe. EEA gathers data, conducts assessments, and offers valuable insights to policymakers and the public, making informed decisions about environmental policies. Public affairs professionals need to monitor EEA to stay abreast of environmental trends, ensuring they can advocate for sustainable policies and practices that align with evolving environmental standards.

Why Public Affairs Professionals Should Monitor These EU Agencies

A. Influence on Policy Decisions

These EU agencies wield significant influence in shaping policies that affect industries, consumers, and the environment. Public affairs professionals must track their activities to anticipate and respond effectively to potential policy changes.

B. Transparency and Accountability

Monitoring these agencies ensures that they operate transparently and are held accountable for their actions. This oversight contributes to a more trustworthy and reliable EU framework.

C. Informed Advocacy

By staying informed about EFSA, ECA, and EEA, public affairs professionals can advocate for policies that align with their organizations’ goals and values. Access to timely information empowers them to engage in evidence-based advocacy.

D. Risk Mitigation

Proactive monitoring helps organizations identify potential regulatory risks and opportunities, allowing them to adapt and strategize accordingly. Using services such as for EU policy monitoring makes your organisation more efficient, allowing you to follow more policy developments with fewer resources.


The addition of EFSA, ECHA (European Chemicals Agency), and EEA to our app marks a significant milestone in our commitment to providing comprehensive policy monitoring services. These agencies are central to EU governance and policymaking, and their activities have far-reaching implications. Public affairs professionals can now leverage our platform to stay ahead of policy changes, advocate effectively, and contribute to a more informed and responsive public policy landscape. We invite you to explore our enhanced offerings and empower your organization with the knowledge needed to thrive in today’s dynamic policy environment.


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