Frequently asked questions

Yes, Policy-Insider.AI currently supports English, French, German, and Spanish is being added soon. That means that you can enter your search word or search phrase in any of these languages.

You can check the translations used by the application to ensure that you find everything that is relevant. If a term is wrongly translated, you can set the correct translation. It will be saved to your profile and to your profile only, meaning that you cannot be affected by translation changes by other users. 

screenshot of translation management options

Depending on its relevance in political decision making, every policy document in our database is gets a “weight” attributed.

This weight attribute incorporates differences in political systems (a PQ in the UK will not have the same impact then a PQ in Germany) and has been developed with our partners at RPP Group.

Hence, the trend indicators shows you the distribution of important policy documents relating to your search phrase over time. 

Did you know that you could use the trend indicator to refine your search?

You have three options to sort the policy documents: chronologically, by relevance and by focus.

Sorting by relevance includes a variety of factors, including the importance of the document in policy making, its age, its authors and its specificity regarding the proposed search phrase. 

Sorting by focus will highlight the policy documents that are most focused around your search phrase. That includes its importance in the title and other semantic attributes that make the search phrase stand out. 

To receive updates on new policy documents directly into Microsoft Teams, please follow these instructions:

Navigate to the channel where you want to add the webhook and select (•••) More Options from the top navigation bar.

Choose Connectors from the drop-down menu.

Search for Incoming Webhook. Select the Configure button.

Provide a name, and, optionally, upload an image avatar for your webhook. The dialog window will present a unique URL that will map to the channel. Copy and save the URL—you will need to paste it to Policy Insider when setting the alert. Choose Done.


Our sources are updated continuously. This means that we get all new policy documents from the sources we cover about four times per day.

This means that it should take a maximum of six hours for a newly published document to be available to you. If you use our Microsoft Teams alerts, you will be notified immediately.

Please note that we do not take responsibility for delays in availabilities, no matter the reason. 

The short answer is no. 

As we have to download data from hundreds of different sources, there is always the risk that data is unavailable. This can for instance happen if an institution changes its website. 

However, we have internal monitoring systems in place that notify our team immediately with problems when running the updates. Major service disruptions are communicated to the users in the app.

Please tell us what sources you are interested in and we’ll include them in our development plan. Prioritisation might depend on overall requests for a certain source to be added. 

We also offer customized sources packages to our enterprise users. Please connect to your support contact at

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You can access all your invoices and manage your payments directly in the billing section of the application.

Should you be using with a corporate subscription, the invoices are being managed by the primary account manager. 

Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate.


Please contact us directly.

Policy-Insider.AI can provide information instanteously and with a broader scope than any human will ever be able. Our sources are updated at least four times a day, so we are always up to date. 

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