
在Policy-Insider.AI ,我们致力于通过循证方法革新公共事务领域。我们相信,知情决策是有效治理和宣传的基石。我们的愿景是 为组织、决策者和倡导者提供所需的工具,使他们能够自信、准确地驾驭复杂的政策环境。


我们的使命是通过最先进的人工智能技术提供无与伦比的实时政策见解和分析。通过利用先进的人工智能技术,我们旨在改变收集、处理和利用政策信息的方式,确保我们的用户始终走在时代前沿。 收集、处理和利用政策信息的方式,确保我们的用户始终处于领先地位。


我们相信,人工智能的变革力量能够对公共事务产生积极影响。人工智能有可能彻底改变政策分析的方式,使其更快、更准确、更全面。我们的平台 利用这种力量提供可操作的洞察力,帮助我们的用户随时了解情况并做出基于证据的决策。

AI in politics, there is more than just deep fakes
As AI systems continue to expand their role in various industries, understanding public perception of artificial intelligence is critical. The […]
AI in politics, there is more than just deep fakes
As artificial intelligence (AI) advances, its influence on politics has become increasingly significant, especially through Generative AI (GenAI). One of […]
AI in politics, there is more than just deep fakes
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming global relationships, public diplomacy, and policymaking. Elizabeth Allen, former U.S. Under Secretary for Public […]
AI Flash Analysis of large policy documents
The healthcare landscape in England is at a critical juncture, as detailed in the recently published Darzi Report (11 September […]
AI in politics, there is more than just deep fakes
In a September 6, 2024 article from Inc., it was revealed that Amazon’s Alexa unintentionally skewed political responses in favor […]
AI Flash Analysis of large policy documents
The Draghi Report, released on September 9, 2024, offers a comprehensive analysis of the key challenges and opportunities facing Europe’s […]
understanding parliamentary summer breaks
What is a Parliamentary Summer Break? A parliamentary summer break, often referred to as a recess, is a period during […]
relation between public policy education and advocacy lobbying
In EduRanks.com current ranking of global public policy programs, it’s striking to see the dominance of UK and US universities, […]
Cabinet Meeting August 2023 (c) bundesregierung.de/Kugler
The roles of ministers and state secretaries (or secretaries of state) are crucial in government. These positions, while similar, differ […]


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