relation between public policy education and advocacy lobbying
In current ranking of global public policy programs, it’s striking to see the dominance of UK and US universities, […]
Cabinet Meeting August 2023 (c)
The roles of ministers and state secretaries (or secretaries of state) are crucial in government. These positions, while similar, differ […]
key policy shifts hungarian eu presidency 2024
Circulating since today, the Hungarian Presidency Programme marks a significant moment of transition and evolution in the European Union’s policy […]
what is public affairs and how to start a career
Introduction to Public Affairs Public affairs is a crucial function that integrates government relations, media communications, issue management, corporate and […]
best practices for political monitoring
In the fast-paced world of public affairs, staying informed about political developments is crucial. Effective political monitoring allows public affairs […]
parliamentary monitoring more important after EU election outcomes
The recent EU elections have brought significant changes that will shape the future of European policymaking. This isn’t just about […]
manual policy monitoring is tideous
Traditional methods of policy analysis often involve manual data collection and interpretation, which can be incredibly time-consuming and prone to […]
public affairs and government affairs in europe and eu
Navigating the intricate world of government affairs and public affairs within the European Union (EU) can be daunting. This guide […]
Automate data analysis, stay updated in real-time,
In today’s dynamic political landscape, staying informed about political changes is essential for businesses. Efficient policy monitoring plays a crucial […]
In today’s fast-paced world, staying ahead of policy changes is crucial for organizations across all sectors. Whether you’re involved in […]

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