RPP, a leading public policy consultancy in Brussels and Europe, has been our partner from day 1 to develop policy-insider.ai into the best tool for policy monitoring in consultancies. They have now widely implemented the policy-insider.ai in-browser application across the company.

As a public affairs consultancy operating organically across different regions, knowledge sharing and alignment on policy developments are essential to RPP. Hence, we looked together at the impact we had both on the consultancy work itself and the platform users.

Policy-Insider.AI has become an essential tool at RPP. We were actually surprised to see that it was used across all level of seniority. Firstly, experienced colleagues started using policy-insider.ai to get instant policy snapshots into new topics. Secondly, more junior colleagues’ policy monitoring became more efficient and gained additional depth.

Lutz Dommel, CEO of RPP Group and co-founder of policy-insider.ai

A recent survey demonstrated the sustainable impact policy-insider.ai has had on daily policy monitoring.

A new virtual team member added

Above all, Policy-Insider.AI freed up to 30 minutes per day for most researchers and consultants. This effectively meant adding one additional, multilingual member to a team of 20 colleagues. That put RPP less at risk of having to hire just for language skills. At the same time, while being very important, policy monitoring in consultancies is not a task that colleagues enjoy most. Through the use of policy-insider, additional room was created to focus on the more creative and challenging tasks.

Adding more confidence to your policy monitoring

Moreover, the survey showed that 85% of users felt less at risk of missing an important policy development. Every consultant knows that fear of not being 100% aware of “what’s going on” before client meetings.

We used to susbcribe to the newsletters and services our client were typically using; just to make sure we knew everything that was floating around in Brussels. As consultants, these processed, sometimes biased informations were not nearly as useful as the updates and alerts from policy-insider.ai.

James Kennedy, Head of EU at RPP Group and co-founder of policy-insider.ai

New growth opportunities from policy monitoring for consultancies

Finally, 70% caught policy developments in institutions they don’t usually follow. Effective, sustainable in-depth policy monitoring in consultancies is still one key quality criterion. If on top, you’re able to provide “out-of-the-box” policy monitoring, your clients will love it. Moving out of the “restrictions of policy areas” and monitoring additional institutions without any additional effort will create major, so far untapped opportunities.


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This article was written in English. Other language versions have been automatically translated and might therefore feature incorrect information.