With our latest update to our platform, we have made monitoring the European Council (🔗Consilium) and the Euro-Group as convenient […]
Consider public policy monitoring as a race: the earlier you are aware of relevant developments, the more time you have […]
We are committed to making Policy-Insider.AI your one-stop shop for policy monitoring. With our May update, we have added a […]
Pigeonholes in the European Parliament
I have started working in EU public affairs in the mid-1990s. Monitoring EU policy developments was simple if you knew […]
In modern public affairs, fact- and evidence-based approaches are the basis for success. For a thorough assessment of the policy […]
In government affairs, we have a tendency to look for relevance within an arbitrarily determined category. This is “environmental policy”, […]
RPP, a leading public policy consultancy in Brussels and Europe, has been our partner from day 1 to develop policy-insider.ai into […]

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